
Hello, my name is Spectre. I was born on Friday October 13th, 2000. I am so cute that I convinced my human Allison to make a whole page just for me, so here it is.

the first pic of me

This is a picture of me that Grant took when I first moved from Erin's house and into an apartment with Jonathan, Grant, and Allison. I was just 6 and a half weeks old.

I am a fierce little kitten. I like to attack everything I can. In fact, sometimes my humans even call me "The hell beast". :) Isn't that a cute name for me?

ball of string Here I am attacking a ball of string,

shoes! but shoes are much better

toes! and toes are the best! These are Jared's toes. I wonder how good they taste.

Don't eat me!!! Ok, ok, I'll be good, just don't eat me!!!!!

To see more pictures of me attacking things, click here

When I am not attacking everything I like to sleep and sleep and sleep. So here two pictures of me sleeping.

sleepy kitty still sleepy

My human Allison really loves me. I know that I can always curl up in her lap (or on her arms when she is doing homework).

in Allison's lap Allison and I

If you want to see more sleepy kitty pictures, click here

Here is a picture of me sitting on the window

on the windowsill

To see pictures of me doing other things and just being generally adorable, click here

Wow, those silly humans sure like taking pictures of me!! I hope you enjoyed soaking in my cuteness. I'll try to get my humans to edit this page as I grow up and they take more pictures of me. Now you can take a look at Allison's page. It's not as cool as mine!

[ home | attack | sleep | other ]

Last updated Thu, Jul 19, 2001. email the webmistress