Home Classics Middle Modern Madlibs

Design Document for Project 2

by Allison King and Cat Stolz

This site includes:

User feedback

In the Madlibs page, we used forms so that the user can create her own madlib. We also used roll-overs and the hover command in our style sheet to indicate that a text or an image was a link.

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Javascript was used to analize the data the user inputted into the forms and to create the madlibs.

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We used frames for the Madlibs to keep everything nicely organized.

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Cross-browser capabilities

Hopefully this site will work in your browser. Unless you don't have frames, in which case, you should update your browser. We also used the Document Object Model so that the javascript would work with any browser.

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Elements from project 1

We used Style Sheets so that the main pages all looked one way and the madlibs pages all looked another way.

There is a nav bar on the top off all of the main pages and a side page is used as a nav bar in the madlibs pages.

There are hidden tables at the top of the pages where there is a nav bar. They are also used in the forms and on the front page

We used images for roll-over links

We used internal links for the pages in our site and have some external links to amazon.com, where the books can be bought

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