So, you want to hear about me and why I am creating this site (other than I have to for class)
It all started when I was in high school. The beginning of my senior year I was dating this boy Sonne. As many other gamer-chicks, it was my boyfriend who showed me my first role-playing book. For me it was Vampire: Dark Ages. I remember sitting on the couches in the library one day when we had to be at school but there were no afternoon classes or something and him showing me all the different vampire clans. Being into theatre, and having done a little online Star Wars role-playing, I was totally amazed by the whole concept of tabletop.
I remember playing my first character at a gaming day in a gym. She was a Toreador in a Dark Ages game. Not a very good character if I may say, but, hey, she was my first one.
After that I played a little more White Wolf here and there. I learned, and bought my own copy of Vampire: The Masquerade. Most games never really got off the ground. Only ran for a few hours which set everything up and then there was either one more session or none at all.
Then I went to England and found the Oxford University Role-Playing Society. They had a really intense Vampire Live-Action Game happening. The idea of actually BEING your character all the time intrigued me. I made Marie-Claude La Rose for that game. I got to speak in a bad French accent all night. It was great!
Then I came to Smith College. I found out that they had a Sci-Fi and Fantasy Society. When I went to the first meeting there were some people who were going to a Vampire LARP at UMass. Remembering how much fun I had in England, I immediately volunteered to come along.
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Ah yes, Goose's Run (as it was called), where I made Audrey Forbes-Wright. She was a ghoul who was going to become a Toreador. She ended up as a Malk. I remember the first night I played her so clearly. What I was wearing, how my hair was, everything. I met my now-boyfriend of three and a half years that night. His character masked himself as a priest and talked to Audrey to calm her down. That was the start of Ben and Audrey. |
I started some other LARPs that year, such as the Changeling run that never really happened, and NPCed for Werewolf.
The summer after my first year I started playing in Miller's Reach, a boffing (foam weapon) LARP. Lots of running around in the woods and hitting people with foam weapons. I am playing Alanna who is disguised as a boy for her own safety. Much fun.
When Goose's run went private I retired Audrey and started playing Nightshade, a run-away goth who lived half in the shadow lands. She was fun, but never really had a lot of plot.
Then my boy and some of his friends started running a Hunter's LARP. I NPCed for them. It was a nice way of trying out a lot of different characters. I think my favorites were the crazy old lady who would hit people with her car and then feed them to her cats and the childling pooka. But that run soon died.
Sometime near the end of my sophomore year of college I broke a vow I was making at the time. I started playing AD&D second Ed. There was a Wed. night run that a friend was running for beginners. That's how Moira the 3'10 by 3'10 Dwarf with 18(97) Strength, 18 Dex, and 18 Con came about. This run still goes on. Well...we have put the game on hold for a little while because we are all so busy.
The summer after my sophomore year I joined a Monday night run that my boyfriend was in, also AD&D. For this one I created Cecily, a human acrobat. She's cool. Very much like me in many ways. I love her a lot. As time goes on I learn more and more about her. This run is still happening, and now we're in Ravenloft. Unfortunately too much school work has caused me to drop out of it for the semester, but I fully intend on picking it back up again once I graduate.
Then, when D&D third ed came out, my boyfriend started running a game. In this run I play Diana, a cleric (and the chosen one) of Elhonna. She just made 6th level last game.
Also, a friend has started an Aberrant run where we play ourselves as mutant superheroes and there is lots of collateral damage.
And most recently, I have started DMing D&D. I had my first experience a few weeks ago. It went really well. I had some difficulties, but I know where they lie.
So, to sum up, right now here is how I am involved with gaming:
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