I wrote to a whole bunch of gaming lists that I am on and posted on the LiveJournal Roleplayers community asking for quotes about being a gamer-chick or just fun things that gamer-chicks have said. The following is a bunch of the responces that I received.
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From Meg:
"The most obvious sign of geekgirl-ness is owning your own dice."
From Katherine:
"Oh no! You've released my inner gamer-geek!"
"I can't believe the squirrel ate my spell!"
From Paige:
"[The best part of being a gamer-chick is] Being able to beat your 6'4" ex at a foam sword fight. (And I did. Beat my ex at a sword fight. Badly.)"
From Honeyblossom:
"Ever heard the five U's of Gaming Women?
From Katherine Anne:
Hey! There are a few of us who like to "smack the orcs 'til the money falls out." Sure, having those moments of pure roleplay is nice, but crawling through an old dungeon or, in the case of Rifts, obliterating things with big guns can be just as fun. If not more so. Girls like to be BadAss too after all.
From Jill:
"Gee, what do you mean you didn't want me to save the
rest of the PCs butts... again!
"The rest of the pcs don't know I go patroling the area. They think I go out in the woods to pee, and accidentally run into plot. Stuuupid males, no buscuit!"
What makes a gamer chick:
RPGs -
From Saraney:
"I play [Everquest - an online roleplaying game] have played for 2 years, and I guess the biggest thing I've noticed is that females are definetly the minority... and get preferential treatment from male players."
From Nessa:
"Being a gamer chick is a position of extreme and wonderful power. We're in short supply. In any particular gaming session, you'll likely find something like five guys and one girl (if any girls at all, which typically there aren't). What's the result? We get our pick of the crop. Gamer guys, I've found, typically aren't very sexist. They're *happy* to have gals to be in their group, because for some of them it's the only exposure to women that they get. There's a downside to this, too, though. A lot of the gamer guys (though certainly far from the majority) are *so* under-exposed to women that they're perverts. A gamer chick must quickly learn to deal with these types.
An example of what I'm talking about goes something like this. A gamer chick goes into a new campaign. Two players (one is our chick and the other a guy) want to play the same type of character, but of course a good game master (also a guy in this case) likes variety among his players. So someone has to change their mind. Our chick will tend to get preferential treatment, because, as I have once heard, "she's cuter than you are [where 'you' is the other player -- a guy]."
From Rachel:
I LARP with a clan of 17 guys. I'm the only girl. They're all completely protective of me. I can run pretty fast, but I have no offensive capabilities. So I generally have to depend on either running or one of my boys to take care of me. When I died last event, a huge round of finger-pointing and blaming started. "Why did you let her die?" "You should've taken care of her!" "Where were you? Why didn't you rescue her?" "From now on, she can't ever be alone!" It's nice to have them all worried about me, and it's nice to know that I rarely have to worry about being protected. If I want to go somewhere and it's dangerous, I just ask any one of the guys and they'll go with me, cause I'm such a weak, innocent girl. :)
From Sahar:
I have found that being a girl sometimes means that you have to try harder to get your point across or work your way up within games sometimes, especially LARPs. I pride myself on being asked to help playtest a new character concept for Werewolf a friend of mine came up with, and I'm the only girl in the group. In the end, don't give up. Good RP skills win out everytime.
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